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When something’s wrong with your air conditioner, especially if it just plain isn’t running, you’ll want to get repairs right away. It’s no fun sitting around without AC during July, and you don’t want a problem to keep worsening, which it will if you don’t have it fixed. But you also don’t want to schedule, wait for, and pay for repairs if you don’t actually need them!

Sometimes, your AC isn’t working because of something simple and straightforward that you can remedy yourself! What could be wrong with the air conditioner? Run through this quick and easy checklist before you reach out to a professional HVAC technician for repairs.

1: Is There Power?

If your air conditioner isn’t getting any electricity, it just plain won’t run! Why would this be happening? If there isn’t a power outage, it’s because the circuit breaker tripped. This can happen when you plug in another appliance on the same circuit, and too much electricity is called for at once. Just check your electrical panel, and if a switch is in the wrong position, flip it back.

Did that solve your problem? Fantastic! Just use a different outlet for your blender, vacuum, or microwave next time. But if the circuit breaker keeps tripping, it’s probably not just due to extra appliances. It could be an electrical issue with the AC system, which will require repairs after all.

2: Is the Thermostat Calling for Cooling?

Your air conditioner won’t come on if the thermostat doesn’t tell it to. While something electrical like a disconnected wire can prevent that signal from getting through, it could be something much simpler. Did your elbow, child, or pet bump a switch turn the thermostat to off or heat? Or did someone activate a vacation or “away” setting, keeping your home at a higher temperature? 

Another possibility with some thermostats is that the batteries are failing. This can cause no signal to be sent at all. Or, before they fail completely, they can send signals inconsistently. Changing the batteries would be a good idea.

3: Does the AC Need Cleaning?

Sometimes, an air conditioner isn’t just failing to turn on. It’s instead turning on and immediately off again, repeatedly. This is probably the limit switch being triggered when something overheats. It might be a problem with the motor. But it might just be that you need to do a spot of cleaning!

Start with the AC air filter, which needs to be clean to allow airflow. This should be changed every month, or more if you have extra dust around the home, due to something like construction projects or multiple furry pets. 

Then, take a look at the outdoor unit. If it’s caked with dirt, covered with debris, or crowded by shrubbery, it won’t be able to release the heat that was absorbed inside your home. Trim, rake, and gently hose everything away to make sure the unit has good air circulation.

4: Time for a Technician

Now, when you have a technician come to provide air conditioning repair in West Chester, PA, you’ll know it’s necessary, and not because of something simple that you overlooked.

Contact Platinum Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our pros.

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Tags: air conditioning repair, West Chester
Monday, July 1st, 2024 at 11:00 am | Categories: Air Conditioning

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