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Have you noticed that the air is feeling more crisp and less humid, and the evenings are cooling off? Have you spotted Halloween decorations popping up at stores and on your neighbors’ front steps? Do you know what that means?

It’s time to schedule your heating maintenance!

There are many benefits to having heating maintenance done each fall. Here are some of the most significant ones.


If you heat with natural gas or another combustible fuel like propane or heating oil, it’s absolutely critical to have your heating system inspected each year. A cracked heat exchanger, damaged flue, or malfunctioning ignition system can lead to carbon monoxide or gas leaks. Don’t take risks with your family’s well-being. Get that furnace checked out before winter.


Your heater worked hard all last winter. Lubricant wore away. Dust and grime built up. These things led to increased friction, forcing the heater to work harder just to make the same amount of heat. That means it started using more energy to get the job done.

During heating maintenance, dust and grime will be cleaned away, and lubricant will be reapplied to those hard-working moving parts so they glide smoothly. Anything misaligned or miscalibrated will be straightened out. Efficiency will be restored.


Struggling and working harder like that doesn’t just mean using more energy. It also means your heating system gradually got less effective at keeping your whole home evenly at your ideal temperature. Maintenance can help ensure that you’ll have the comfort you want when cold weather hits.

Reduced Repair Needs

Wear and tear increase the likelihood that parts will fail. For example, all that grit and lack of lubrication can lead to so much friction that it overheats the blower fan motor. Maintenance will prevent that. 

It’s also an opportunity for the technician to catch any slight concerns—a belt starting to wear out, a screw coming loose—before they turn into big problems. If you do need HVAC repair in West Chester, PA, you’ll be much more likely to be dealing with a minor repair than a major one.

Increased System Life Expectancy

Your gas furnace should last 15 years or so if you’re diligent about annual maintenance. A heat pump or electric furnace should run a bit longer, and a boiler even longer than that—maybe up to 30 years! But we want to emphasize the bit about annual maintenance. Without it, your heater won’t last nearly so long. Without any maintenance at all, you can cut those estimated lifespans in half.

Warranty Compliance

A warranty is a way to save money if things like replacement parts are needed. As long as your heater is under warranty, the manufacturer will cover some of those costs. While warranty agreements vary, most have one specific requirement: the heating system must have annual maintenance done by a qualified professional. Don’t void your warranty! Have maintenance done.

Once you’ve got your heating maintenance done this fall, you’ll be secure in the knowledge that safety hazards are avoided, your heating bills won’t be rising unnecessarily, your home will be completely and consistently cozy, you’re unlikely to need sudden repairs during a cold snap in January, your heater will live a long life, and your equipment will stay covered by its warranty.

What are you waiting for?

Contact Platinum Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our pros.

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Tags: HVAC repair, West Chester
Monday, September 25th, 2023 at 11:00 am | Categories: Heating

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