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You’ve reached the point when your water heater needs to be replaced. You’ve chosen your new water heater, either a tank or tankless model, based on the needs of your household. And you’ve scheduled a time for it to be installed. But now you don’t know what to expect. How much time will it take for your old water heater to be removed and your new one to be installed and get up and running? That depends on a few considerations. Here are the details, so you’ll know how much time to plan, plus some tips on how to make it go more quickly and smoothly.

What Water Heater Installation Entails

The first thing your plumber will need to do is remove the existing water heater. It has to be shut off, disconnected, and moved out of the way so it can be disposed of or recycled. Next, the new water heater will be moved into position, connected to your water system and either electrical power or your gas line, and then turned on. Finally, your plumber will clean up any mess, show you how your new system works, and answer any questions you might have. 

Types of Water Heater Installations

If your old water heater and its replacement are both tank systems, water heater installation in Doylestown, PA will likely take around three hours to go through the whole process. A significant chunk of that time estimate is simply moving the two water heaters, as they are quite large and unwieldy. Do keep in mind that it may take a bit longer if there are a lot of stairs involved, or if your plumber needs to work in small, awkward spaces that are challenging to access. 

If you are switching from a tank to a tankless system, the new water heater will be smaller and easier to move into your home. But the installation may still take a bit longer. This is because your water line or power line may need to be modified in order to connect to this different type of system, and because new ventilation may be required.

If you are replacing a tankless system with another tankless system, this will be the quickest installation of all. They will both be small and easily moved, and your home will already be set up for this type of system. It might be under two hours before everything is up and running.

Another consideration is the power source. If you are switching from a gas water heater to an electric one or vice versa, a little more time will be needed to give access to the new source of energy. 

How You Can Prepare Your Home

The most obvious consideration is that you will need a clear path and working area, so your plumber will be able to move the old water heater out, move the new water heater in, and have the elbow room to complete the installation.

Move any furniture that you can to keep the path straight and clear, and round up any clutter that might be in the way anywhere between the door to your home and the water heater’s location. If either the old or the new system is a tank water heater, get an exact measurement and measure any doors it will need to fit through.

Finally, just before the installation, secure your pets in a different part of your home. Even the friendliest pet—sometimes especially the friendliest pet—can be a curious nuisance, and particularly when large items are being moved or gas lines are being worked on, it’s important for your pets’ safety that they stay out of the way. 

Contact Platinum Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our pros.

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Tags: Doylestown, water heater installation
Monday, July 3rd, 2023 at 11:00 am | Categories: Water Heaters

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