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The trouble with plumbing problems is that they all have a habit of sneaking up on you. Because it’s easy to get blindsided by them and they all seem so urgent, it’s hard to know what’s actually considered a plumbing emergency versus what’s just a routine plumbing issue. This is where our professionals can step in to help you. Of course, we understand the intricacies of plumbing in Pottstown, PA, and we can serve you, but we also can get you the right information you need to handle your plumbing issues.

Today, we want to focus on what exactly can be considered a plumbing emergency. Plumbing emergencies aren’t as intricate as you might think, but there are probably a few that will surprise you. Here are some things you should contact us for. 

What Counts As a Plumbing Emergency?

Here are a few troubles that you should definitely consider a plumbing emergency.

Burst Pipes

We’re going to start with this issue because it becomes more and more relevant as we get further into the winter season. Burst pipes can happen as pipes in your home freeze, the water inside them expands, and the walls of your pipe burst. If you encounter this issue this winter, you don’t have to second guess anything, you’re definitely experiencing a plumbing emergency. Our professionals can help you handle this issue. All you need to do is get in contact with us. 

Sump Pump Failure

Sump pump failure can quickly turn into a disaster because of the potential water damage. When you notice that your unit is unable to do its job, try to get in contact with one of our professionals as soon as possible. It’s the easiest way to avoid further sump pump related trouble.  

An Overflowing Toilet

An overflowing toilet issue is a problem in two different ways. You won’t be able to use your toilet if it’s overflowing and this leaves you without a vital part of your plumbing system. You also can run into water damage issues if the water from your toilet is all over your floor. This is why you want to contact our professionals as soon as possible for the service you need when you notice this issue. 

Leaking Pipes

Leaks of any sort are a plumbing emergency. This is true even if it’s a “slow leak” or something in your home that mimics a geyser. This is the time where you need to schedule an appointment with a professional plumber to solve these issues.

A Broken Water Heater

Have you noticed that your water heater is unable to perform? This is definitely a plumbing emergency. Your water heater is your hardest working appliance in your home–not even just in your plumbing system. When you start to notice that your water heater can’t perform the way it should, then it means that you need to get in touch with one of our professional plumbers. We can help you figure out the source of your plumbing problem and work to fix it.

Contact Platinum Plumbing & Heating today to schedule an appointment for your plumbing services. 

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Tags: Plumbing Issues, Pottstown
Monday, November 8th, 2021 at 11:00 am | Categories: Plumbing

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