Platinum Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Collegeville’

Get to the Bottom of AC Odors

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Air conditioner issues can take many forms. You might notice that there’s an AC problem because of a strange noise, because it’s turning on and off constantly, or because your home just isn’t getting as cool, or as evenly cool, as you have every right to expect. But did you know that some air conditioner problems can also cause foul odors?

Your air conditioner should not smell. It simply should not noticeably change the smell of the air in your home at all. If you notice an odor coming from your air conditioner, you need AC repair.

So … what’s causing that smell? We can help you figure it out.

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Low Refrigerant in an AC Is a Big Problem!

Monday, August 14th, 2023

The refrigerant in your air conditioner is the substance that absorbs the heat from your home. Without it, you’d have nothing but an overpriced fan.

Although air conditioners are manufactured with all the refrigerant they’ll ever need, sometimes a leak allows refrigerant to escape. Once some refrigerant is lost from your AC system, it can’t function properly, and major issues develop. Here’s what to keep an eye out for.

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How Do I Know if My Sump Pump Is Working?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Ah, springtime! The glorious season of new flowers and outdoor activities! But it’s also the time of year when flooded basements are most likely to occur. Snow melt, runoff, and heavy spring rains can all make it very difficult to keep your home dry. If you have a sump pump, this is the time of year when you need to be most certain that it’s ready to work at a moment’s notice. So how can you be sure?

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Annoying Slow Drains? This Is How to Fix Them

Monday, January 30th, 2023

You probably have an image in your head of what a plumbing emergency looks like. Water is gushing like a geyser and people are running around with buckets and wrenches. Your sink or tub taking a very long time to drain probably doesn’t seem like an emergency to you. But it is a huge inconvenience! 

We’ll give you some pointers on how you can address slow drains yourself, and what tools and techniques a plumber can use to help. We’ll also include some warning signs to keep an eye out for, because sometimes, a slow drain is the first sign of a much bigger problem that you don’t want to ignore. After all, you definitely don’t want to end up with a real plumbing emergency on your hands.

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Stinky Drains? What’s Going On?

Monday, May 24th, 2021
Girl pinching her nose against a white background

To put it quite frankly, your drains smell terrible. If you’re asking yourself what’s going on, then you’ve found the right blog.

Plumbing system and drainage systems in particular are complex. Although they do a lot for your home, they also have a lot of points for potential problems if they aren’t taken care of. Stinky drains aren’t something that you have to deal with for long. Don’t just try to light candles, burn incense, or use plug-in air fresheners to mask the scent—you can get rid of the problem at its source. Put the care into our hands. We specialize in plumbing in Collegeville, PA. Get in contact with us when you want professional service for your home.

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