Platinum Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lansdale’

Choose the Best Contractor for Your HVAC System

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Your home’s HVAC system is like your body’s respiratory system. It’s absolutely critical, and in order for your home (and the people in it) to be happy and healthy, it needs to be kept in excellent condition. You should only trust qualified professionals to work on your HVAC system, just as you’d only trust someone who went to medical school with your respiratory system.

Of course, you probably have more experience with doctors than with HVAC technicians. So how can you be sure you’re getting the quality service that your HVAC system needs and deserves? We’ve got some information about how to choose the best HVAC contractor. You need someone you can rely on to get the job done right no matter what.

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Is the Storage Tank Water Heater Now Obsolete?

Monday, February 12th, 2024

While water heaters can last for many years, and regular maintenance helps to maximize their life expectancy, there will eventually come a day when you need to start looking into water heater replacement. If that day has arrived, you’ll want to weigh your options carefully.

It might seem like you only ever hear about tankless water heater systems these days. Does anyone still use storage tank water heaters? Or is tankless the only way to go? We’ve got the information you need.

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Some Good Ways to Give Your Plumbing a Great Start to the New Year

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Studies show that most New Year’s resolutions are about personal health. People want to eat better, drink more water, exercise more often, and so on. This is great—but don’t forget that wellbeing is something that applies to more than just your body. Your home deserves a New Year’s resolution as well! Here’s one: don’t ignore your plumbing until something goes wrong. Set it up for success this year.

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How to Get Your AC as Efficient As Possible

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Now that the weather is getting warm outside, it’s important to make sure that your air conditioner is as efficient as possible. Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to your air conditioning because it will improve your comfort, lower your cost, and even help your air conditioner last longer. If you’re looking for great air conditioning in Landsdale, PA, there really isn’t much you have to do to improve your efficiency. There are subtle changes that you can make to improve these things. 

We’re here today to help with your air conditioning tips. If you want to improve your air conditioning, you can always come to our team members for what you need. We make sure every single one of our team members are well versed in what they do so we can help you. 

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A Few Ways You’re Hurting Your Water Heater

Monday, August 16th, 2021
Blue shower curtain in the bathroom

Did you know that your water heater is probably the most important appliance in your home? We know that the fridge has all your tasty meals, your dishwasher keeps your kitchen clean, and your washer and dryer keep you looking sharp. Your water heater uses the most energy in your home though—nearly 17%.

If you don’t take care of your water heater, you’re going to notice that it starts to wear down on your home’s efficiency. We’re a team who can find you the right plumber in Landsdale, PA, when you need professional service. Let’s figure out if you’re doing anything that actually hurts your water heater today.

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