Ways Your AC Warns You of Problems With Sounds

May 22nd, 2023

With many complex systems, one of the first clues when something goes wrong is that the sound the system makes has changed. If you’ve ever noticed a click, clunk, or rattle when you’re driving your car that it never made before, you understand what we’re talking about. Air conditioners do the same thing. When issues develop, more often than not, they cause the AC unit to make surprising noises. How can you tell what the noises mean? Read on, and we’ll tell you.

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Do I Need a Frost-Free Hose Bib?

May 8th, 2023

Here in Pennsylvania, freezing temperatures—and the potential damage they can cause—are a serious hazard to our homes. What can you do to make sure your home is safe from some of the risks to your plumbing posed by winter weather? We recommend a frost-free hose bib.

What is a frost-free hose bib? How will it benefit you? And how do you go about getting one? We’ve got the answers for you right here.

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How Do I Know if My Sump Pump Is Working?

April 24th, 2023

Ah, springtime! The glorious season of new flowers and outdoor activities! But it’s also the time of year when flooded basements are most likely to occur. Snow melt, runoff, and heavy spring rains can all make it very difficult to keep your home dry. If you have a sump pump, this is the time of year when you need to be most certain that it’s ready to work at a moment’s notice. So how can you be sure?

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Do I Need an Air Conditioner Tune-Up Before I Use My AC?

April 10th, 2023

It’s not quite AC season yet, but it won’t be long before you find yourself overheated and want to turn your air conditioner on. That means it’s time to make sure you’re ready for that moment. Does your air conditioner need a tune-up before you turn it on? Well, that depends. Here’s how to know for sure.

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How Hard Water Hurts Your Plumbing

March 27th, 2023

You’ve surely heard the phrase hard water, and probably know that it’s not ideal. But how much do you actually know about it? Learning about what hard water is, how it affects your plumbing, and what can be done about it might help you with some surprising things around your home.

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Why You Should Call a Plumber Instead of Using Chemicals

March 13th, 2023

Oh, no! The sink is clogged again! The dirty dishwater won’t drain, and an unpleasant smell is starting to develop. What should you do? Reach for a bottle of liquid drain cleaner? No! When a drain is clogged, there are some things you should try yourself before calling a plumber, but liquid drain cleaner is not one. 

We’ll give you step-by-step instructions for what to do and not do for a clogged drain, with details on exactly which situations require a professional plumber in Phoenixville, PA.

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What Happens If You Ignore Heater Repairs for Too Long

February 27th, 2023

Spring is coming! It might still be cold now, but it won’t be long before there will be more mud than snow, and soon after that, you won’t be needing your heater for quite a while. So what about the repairs that you think your heater might need? Can you put them off in hopes that it’ll keep running until spring?

Don’t do it! Delaying heating repairs can cause major problems that you really, really don’t want to deal with. What kind of problems, you ask? We’re happy to explain.

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How Does a Tankless Water Heater Save You Money?

February 13th, 2023

If it’s time to replace your water heater, you are probably considering your options. How much hot water does your family use? How much do the different types of water heaters cost? One of the biggest decisions to make is whether to get a tank or tankless water heating system.

While there are benefits to either choice, when it comes to energy efficiency, the tankless system definitely has the standby tank beat by a wide margin. And energy efficiency isn’t just good for the planet, it’s good for your bank account balance when it comes time to pay your utility bills.

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Annoying Slow Drains? This Is How to Fix Them

January 30th, 2023

You probably have an image in your head of what a plumbing emergency looks like. Water is gushing like a geyser and people are running around with buckets and wrenches. Your sink or tub taking a very long time to drain probably doesn’t seem like an emergency to you. But it is a huge inconvenience! 

We’ll give you some pointers on how you can address slow drains yourself, and what tools and techniques a plumber can use to help. We’ll also include some warning signs to keep an eye out for, because sometimes, a slow drain is the first sign of a much bigger problem that you don’t want to ignore. After all, you definitely don’t want to end up with a real plumbing emergency on your hands.

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How to Prolong Heater Repairs

January 16th, 2023

No matter how well-made something is, it’s bound to break eventually. And with something as complex as a heating system, which has many components and moving parts, there are a lot of potential points of failure. This means that, sadly, heating repairs are an inevitable part of life.

But they don’t have to be a frequent part of life! There are things you can do to keep your heater running more smoothly, decreasing the need for repairs and increasing your chances of only needing minor repairs. Taking these steps will even increase the lifespan of your heater, making it so that it might keep running for years longer than it would have otherwise.

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